Research for businesses
France Futur Elevage is the favoured research and development partner of the food, farming and pharmaceutical industries to rise to the challenges of sustainable and responsible farming for the future
It offers a range of multidisciplinary and integrated research and innovations, from the laboratory to the farm, for businesses, professional organisations and actors in the livestock sector.
350 ongoing contracts
€13 M€/year in contractual revenues
It covers all livestock rearing sectors: cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, poultry, rabbits, fish, bees.
>200 socio-economic partners
+40% since 2016
Our added value
Gateway to a wide range of public agricultural and veterinary research
A centralised and coordinated research and innovation offering: aggregating knowledge and skills in research to serve businesses and their activities
Synergy of a network with multidisciplinary skills
Support to identify the most relevant team(s) that are capable of providing the best solution to a given research and innovation need
Guarantees the quality of the partnership
Professionalism in appraising and monitoring contracts
Our commitments
France Futur Elevage is ISO9001/2015 certified in recognition of its good contractualisation practices in terms of collaborative research and intellectual property
The different parnerships
— Project ordered by the partner
— Application of a protocol known to the laboratory Performed by the laboratory only
— Obligation of means and results for the laboratory
— Total funding of the whole cost of the service by the industrial partner— No publication
— Ownership of the results to the funder
— Project discussed with the partner
— The implementation can be shared with the funding partner
— Obligation of means for the laboratory
— Participation in the total cost of the research by the industrial partner
— Publication
— Ownership of the results to be discussed
Subsidised collaborative research projects carried out through research contracts that are subsidised by the public authorities (state, regional authorities, national agencies, European public funds, etc.), involving one or several socio-economic partners.
Opportunités de partenariats
et d’expertises
– Expertise/exemples d’expertise et d’outils à disposition de collaborations et prestations
– Offres de partenariat
– Offre techno actuelles
Our experimental facilities made available
Île de France
Plateforme d’Infectiologie Expérimentale des Rongeurs et Poissons
UE Herbipôle – Systèmes d’Elevage de Ruminants de Moyenne Montagne
Bourgogne – Franche-Comté
Station expérimentale porcine de Romillé
Installation Expérimentale de Production Laitière bovine et caprine de Méjusseaume
Unité Expérimentale sur les Systèmes d’Elevage Aquacoles
Unité Expérimentale Physiologie et Phénotypage des Porcs
Station expérimentale bovins viande – veau de boucherie des Bouviers
Centre – Val de Loire
Plateforme d’infectiologie expérimentale (PFIE)
Pôle d’Expérimentation Avicole de Tours (PEAT)
Unité Expérimentale Pôle de Phénotypage des Petits Ruminants Bourges
Unité Expérimentale de Physiologie Animale de l’Orfrasière (PAO)
Grand Est
Unité Expérimentale du Pin
Ferme expérimentale ovins viande du Mourier
Installation expérimentale piscicole de Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle
Unité Expérimentale Systèmes d’Elevage Avicoles Alternatifs
Unité Expérimentale Elevages Porcins Innovants
Unité Expérimentale Fourrages, Ruminants et Environnement
Unité Expérimentale de la Fage
Pays de la Loire
Station expérimentale aquacole en eau douce
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Cooperation mechanisms
Do you have a research question and are you looking for a R&D partner?
We are here to listen and guide you and put you in contact with the team within our network that could best meet your needs. We can help to translate your needs into a concrete research programme.
Please send your research questions to
Procédure simple